Top 3 Male Enlargement Pills Review [2021]

top 3 male enlargement pills

Most women desire a larger than average penis for maximum sexual fulfilment and multiple orgasms. This article will explore the top 3 penis enlargement medicines and give an in-depth analysis of each of one of them to enable you to make an informed choice.

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My name is Dr. Saleem Zaidi, I am 37 years with a degree in Unani Medicine and Surgery from University of Delhi. Till date I have seen countless patients complaining of a smaller than average penis size. My review will be based on my clinical experience and dealing with three popular male Enlargement pills, namely XTL Plus Capsules (previously known as Xtra Large capsules), Vigrx and Vimax. For this study I had isolated 9 young men in the age group of 26-30 years. These men were all having below average penis size (3.5 to 4.5 inches in the erect state). None of them had any other chornic illness and all were non vegetarians. Three of the volunteers were smokers, three were both smokers and alcoholics and three were neither smokers nor alcoholics. Three study groups were made between these volunteers. Each group had one smoker, one smoker + alcoholic and one non smoker, non alcoholic. Three months therapy was initiated on these men. Each group was given a separate therapy. Group A was on XTL Plus, group B on Vigrx and group C was on Vimax pills. Below I have penned down my observations after 3 months:

1. XTL Plus Male Enlargement Pills (previously Xtra Large Capsules)

xtl plus penis enlargement medicine one month course

XTL Plus is a natural panis long and strong medicine that is made from naturally occurring Ayurvedic ingredients which ensures there are no side effects and increases erotic performance immediately after use. The formula contains rare herbs and vital minerals which are known for decades for their ability to stimulate sexual desire and give impressive orgasms. XTL Plus owes its power to its unique recipe of 100% natural ingredients.

Dosage Of XTL Plus Male Enlargement Pills

XTL Plus capsules are taken twice a day after meals. The dosage is simple and easy to follow. I have not seen any problem with patient compliance with XTL Plus capsules.

Performance Of XTL Plus Pills

After one month of taking the Xtra Large supplements , I was able to measure the average penis length of the volunteers and it had grown from 4.7 inches to about 5.1.This may look small but to actually it was a big improvement in just one month .

A boost in the confidence of the volunteers was evident. They had not only gained size but the sexual power and stamina also improved significantly.

The volunteers admitted that their relationships were improving. They could make love several times a night and even on day time when their work schedules allowed. They were able to identify and control the stages of sexual excitement and release of sperms and would give their date several orgasms before releasing the sperms.

The capsules also assisted them by increasing and creating a sensual mood allowing for a better sex technique. From experience I know women love a thick, long and hard penis. They like when the penis stretches their vaginal walls leaving them moaning and squirting over and over again.

Price Of XTL Plus Male Enlargement Pills

XTL Plus capsules are not affordable at all.  Their price is quite high as compared to some other products. But the quality and results justify the price tag. At ₹3675 per month it is quite costly for some. Lately some quantity based discounts have been added to make it more reasonable.

Side effects Of XTL Plus Male Enhancement

The difference between XTL Plus capsules and the other male enhancement supplements is that others are formulated with rough ingredients that pose negative effects on health. Some of which were experienced by the other groups. XTL Plus capsules are naturally combined to ensure high levels of purity and ability and I can attest to that.

Final Results With XTL Plus

It has been 3 months since I started this study and the volunteers gained about 2.5 inches in average after 3 months of continuously taking the capsules.

Another advantage of using XTL Plus capsules was that the length and width achieved were permanent. After the stipulated time period of 3 months the thickness and length did not shrink to its former size and the sexual appeal and confidence were very much there.

2. VigRx Male Enlargement Pills

vigrx male enlargement pills

VigRx is a poly-herbal supplement that was developed 15 years ago. It is a blend of several nutrients and herbs for improved virility and a better sex life. VigRx pills are comprehensive natural male formulation designed to curb a hoard of sexual problems like low libido, reduced sex drive, reduced pleasure, and inability to control the moment to ejaculate.

Dosage Of VigRx Pills

You have to take enough water with this pill. You need to be fully hydrated to avoid getting a headache in the course of your treatment. . After three months of treatment there was an improved sex drive, intense orgasm as well as lasting erections. However this has to be noted that VigRx works way slower than the other male Enlargement pills. The recommended duration of course by the manufacturer is 6-9 months. Since we tested it for just 3 months and stopped the results were not much visible.

Price Of VigRx Male Enlargement Pills

VigRx is a bit on the upper side in terms of price. A 60-pills packet costs $76.99 (plus delivery fee). That’s certainly expensive bearing in mind you will need more in to any results.

Side effects

The volunteers took this male enhancement pill for a period of three months. There was increase in penis size and the sex life also improved. There were some noticeable side effects with VigRx and they included headache, dizziness, nausea and problems falling asleep at night.

3. Vimax Pills

vimax pills

Vimax is a dietary plant-based pill that contains male enhancement formula intended to specifically address premature ejaculation and generally a few other sexual dysfunctions.

It is intended to improve penis growth, sexual strength and boost sexual action. It also heightens sexual desire, especially for senior men whose libido has started to decline.

Performance Of Vimax Pills

The supplement was great and it immensely enhanced the overall sexual routine. There was delay in ejaculation time.

Dosage Of Vimax

One capsule should be taken once a day in the morning or 30 minutes before sex. Vimax is said to contain some undeclared of hidden ingredients which can interact with other nitrates that can lower blood pressure to dangerous levels. We took Vimax pills in this survey because of their popularity but we do not recommend using these pills to anybody because of the FDA warning (which we were unaware of) in the beginning.

Prices Of Vimax Pills

Vimax contains costly compounds like L-Arginine and Ginseng which make the pills expensive. L arginine is an effective amino acid that enhances sperm movement, sperm count and blood flow. Manufacturers substitute effective ingredients with low-cost alternatives like Yohimbe which can be dangerous to your health. Yohimbe has been reported to cause high blood pressure, increased heart rate and increased heart rate in some users.

Results With Vimax Male Enlargement Pills

I noticed that the penis size of the volunteers returned to the original small size once the pills were discontinued. This really depressed us a lot.

Word Of Caution

You should always use your informed judgment to look for reputable sites to find out which supplements will work for you in terms of efficiency and price. This information should not be taken as our advice or recommendation. Always consult a qualified medical practitioner especially if you take other prescription pills.

Perform due diligence to avoid buying cheap ingredients and low-quality pills that can be dangerous to your health.

Always read the ingredients on how it works its composition and the issues it will address. Avoid supplements with undefined and unknown ingredients.

Determine the effectiveness of a supplement by checking what other users are saying about the product. Go for items with positive reviews and satisfied customers.


Men of this generation have the ability to reverse the constraining effects of a small penis, low sperm count and erectile dysfunction. To retain your ego as a man you need to pound your woman deep and hard until she orgasms.

With the supplements in the market today you don’t have the justification of suffering through a pitiful sex life.Pay attention to any negative changes you may start experiencing and take fast action to prevent permanent damage.

There are a lot of fake and unauthorized supplements. The secret is to search for the healthiest, inexpensive and most efficient ingredients in the market.

Herbs and natural supplements won’t work for everyone. Results will vary from one person to the other. There are many personal factors that may decrease or increase effectiveness and success of a male enhancement supplement.

Obesity, sedentary lifestyles and underlying medical conditions like diabetes are some reasons that can bring all the difference. The fact that the supplements worked or not worked during the study does not necessarily mean they will do the same for you.

7 thoughts on “Top 3 Male Enlargement Pills Review [2021]”

  1. I took the medicine 2 months continuously and got slight length. But I am not able to continue the medicine now due to lack of supply. I hope I will get the medicine within 30 days. My question is, “Will I have to take the medicine for remaining one month (total 3 month) or I have to take another 3 month? “

  2. In any case I took more than 1 month xtl plus and the xtrapower for a treatment of 1 month month I exceeded the 1 month recommended by the seller.
    I took xtl plus instead of 2 tablets per day I drank 1 tablet per day with milk mix with pure honey and x.trapower at night with milk before sleeping nor drink water after until the morning, but from 7 am when you wake up you also have your penis which wakes up at the same time very stiff and hard and this is done after 3 weeks with stretching of the penis. I started the treatment at the beginning of December until today I have 3 XTL PLUS tablets and 7 X-TRAPOWER tablets left, add with kegel when I have time to do it often there are days that I do not not drink nor do exercises, but it worked, and I feel my cock weighing now and there is volume a little bit wide, I have not measured yet but I assure you that it works and I still come from ordered a 1 month cure now.
    on the other hand I could not tell you more if it will stay like this far beyond, but you even feel something in the pants and are that I had headaches not or anything else, but by prudence I did not wanted to take 2 XTL PER DAY AND COMBINED WITH THE X-TRAPOWER, I know this is recommended by the manufacturer, but I wanted to go at my own pace. but I will come back by September 2021 for which I will receive the continuation 1 month at the beginning of February for March 15 and March 15 to May 15 and I will let 4 months pass then I will come back to you give the continuation, but in any case it works , I do not advertise and I had to drink several treatments it did not give anything this kind of effect and I am 44 years old and my sex at now 20 years old and I am married and father but when its standing it’s really upright and even when i pee you feel the power like a young one.
    except that my wife was not there during my treatment and therefore she will have surprises …
    it is not that she was not satisfied, but I always wanted to spice up my relationship by adding more measured and bearable to by my wife, I do not want the torn but that she enjoys even more and that we continue to do yourself good.

    en tout cas j’en ai pris au delà de 1 mois xtl plus et le xtrapower pour un traitement de 1 mois mois j’ai dépasser les 1 mois préconiser par le vendeur.
    j’ai pris le xtl plus au lieu de 2 comprimés par jour moi j’ai bu 1 comprimé par jour avec du lait mélanger avec du miel pur et x.trapower la nuit avec du lait avant de dormir ni boire de l’eau après jusqu’au matin, mais dès 07h du matin au réveil tu as ton penis aussi qui se réveil en même temps bien raide et dure et cela c’est fait au bout de 3 semaines avec des étirés du penis. j’ai commencer le traitement début décembre jusqu’aujourd’hui il me reste au moi 3 comprimés XTL PLUS et 7 comprimés X-TRAPOWER, rajouter avec du kegel quand j’ai le temps de faire souvent il y a des jours que je ne bois pas ni faire des exercices, mais il a marché, et je sent mon sex qui pèse maintenant et il y a du volume un peu de largeur, je n’ai pas encore mesuré mais je vous rassure que ça marche et je viens encore de commandé un cure 1 mois de plus maintenant.
    par contre je ne pourrais vous dire plus si cela va rester ainsi loin delà, mais tu sent cas même quelque chose dans le pantalon et es que j’ai eu des maux de tête non ni autre chose, mais par prudence je n’ai pas voulu prendre 2 XTL PAR JOUR ET COMBINÉ AVEC LE X-TRAPOWER, je sais que c’est recommander par le fabricant, mais j’ai voulu aller a mon rythme. mais je reviendrais d’ici septembre 2021 pour quoi je vais recevoir la suite 1 mois début février pour 15 mars et 15 mars au 15 mai et je vais laisser 4 mois passer puis je vais revenir vous donnez la suite, mais en tout cas ça marche, je ne fais pas la pub et j’ai eu a boire plusieurs traitement ça n’a rien donner se genre d’effet et j’ai 44 ans et mon sexe à maintenant 20 ans et je suis marié et père mais quand ses debout c’est vraiment debout et même quand je fais pipi tu sent la puissance comme un jeune.
    sauf que ma femme n’était pas là pendant mon cure et donc elle aura des surprise…
    ce n’est pas qu’elle n’était pas satisfaite, mais j’ai toujours voulu pimenter mon couple en rajoutant plus mesuré et supportable à par ma femme, je ne veux pas la déchirée mais quelle joui encore plus et que nous continuons a se faire du bien.

  3. Actually i want to know how long it increases the penis size…and if it is not working properly can i return this product

  4. I am about to order XTL Plus. I however am on BP medication (Olmesartan Medoxomil tabs 10 mg per day taken in the night) Will this affect your medicine when combined?


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